An episodic short play competition hosted at The Tank (formerly at The Flea)

Produced by Michael Ortiz, Kristin Seemel, Elizabeth Spindler, Cody Hom, Emani Brielle Simpson (formerly known as The Fled Collective)

Production Design by Cody Hom

Directed by Michelle Chan

Various plays by Catherine Weingarten, Niccolo Ayeed, Carmen!, Sofia Metcalf, and Kenjiro Lee

Featuring Irina Kaplan, Tasha Milkman, Delores Avery Pereira, William Vonada, Natalia Mar Urzua, Jen Jarnigan, Julia Coffey, Hunter Levi Rothstein and more!

Photos by @igxmadison

REVIEW: The Fled’s wildly creative and hilariously haunting ‘SERIALS’ at NYC’s The Flea.